Disinformation and fake narratives have become useful tools to wage information war nowadays. Therefore, to help fight such disinformation flow, we have been working relentlessly. And to help sustain our cause, you can make voluntary contributions. Donate to us directly on Razorpay and help in keeping the information space free of malice infiltration.
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Please click on the above button to support our initiative. The amount entered shall only be in INR, as we don’t accept donations in international currencies.
Note: You have to provide your email address and name before donating on our Razorpay as it will only be used to generate invoice for your donation.
We also take Bitcoins: even if BTC do not have much value or potential left, we would still like to collect the tokens as a gesture of your goodwill. And as a testimony to our faith in BTC! Pls unload your valet here:
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