Executive Summary

A sudden rise in terr0r attacks in #Kashmir by ‘new-age’ terror fronts calling themselves ‘resistance’!

Who are they, who is behind them, and above all, who are the new masters of narrative?

#August5 #Article370

A thread:

The valley is seeing an attempt at revival of terrorism. Suddenly ‘new fronts’ with English names have surfaced – People’s Anti-Fascist Front (#PAFF); The Resistance Front (#TRF); United Liberation Front (#ULFK); & Kashmir Tigers etc.

However, it is well known that these fronts are mere reincarnations of notorious terror fronts like #HizbulMujahideen, #Lashkar-e-Taiba, #Jaish-e-Muhammad, etc., & duly supported by the Pakistani military establishment.

So, what changed?


These fronts use English names & project terror acts as ‘resistance’. Most Islamist terror groups pick Arabic names or names with Islamic history connotations– to seek legitimacy & donations from larger Muslim population

Except one

Ikhwan aka Muslim Brotherhood (MB)– which sought influence & legitimacy in the West. MB understood the value of English name and jargons that appeal to the West, like ‘resistance’ used by Hamas, an MB enterprise.

The same narrative is being copied by terror groups in Kashmir. In other words, MB has taken over the Kashmir ‘enterprise’.

This is not new.

We had documented in 2022, how MB was shifting focus to #Kashmir.

To affect the shift– the MB started 4 projects simultaneously

· Seeding a narrative of #Fascism in India

· Rename Pak-based terror groups in English

· Simultaneously launch ‘human rights’ groups

· Start hyphenating Kashmir with Palestine

In case you have not noticed, a narrative of ‘fascism’ and ‘genocide’ around Kashmir was being built over the last 5 years to provide backdrop for the ‘resistance’ narrative, and hence the new fronts with English names.

Initial narrative on #Fascism in India was started via Pakistan– by then PM Imran Khan– the poster boy of the Global Islamists. He was, not surprisingly, using #fakenews, but it did not hamper the narrative building by Paki-MB affiliated media.

Under #ImranKhan, the ruling party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) officials including former President Arif Alvi went on non-stop propaganda, peddling ‘fascism’.

As expected, they also used #fakenews.

The timeline for seeding ‘fascism’ goes back to 2016 – when a whole flock of ‘White experts’ on South Asia/ Kashmir started mushrooming – from Audrey Truschke, CJ Werleman, Haley Duschinski, Pieter Friedrich, etc.,

This narrative setting was clearly visible in the social media chatter on ‘fascism’ & ‘genocide’. IK led the narrative followed by other Pak leaders like Arif Alvi, & Yasir Qadhi etc; repeated by cultivated ‘experts’ & ‘activists’- Werlemans, Truschkes, etc.

The spike in ‘fascism’ in news articles/ media also corresponded with the seeding of narrative by IK & Company – as seen in the data from Google trends. The narratives to label India as #fascist & #genocide in Kashmir began in 2016, and spiked after 2019.

A story of ‘imminent genocide’ was also introduced. A ‘genocide expert’ Gregory Stanton, who had ‘predicted’ Rwanda genocide, raised alarm for Kashmir in 2019– which was used by same set of actors to reinforce the narrative.

As can be seen in the graphs, the timeline of ‘genocide’ on X shows it became a discourse in the context of Kashmir in India post-abrogation of Article 370. The narrative spiked most in 2022, when it was spread beyond Kashmir.

Like ‘fascism’, Imran Khan was also the first to peddle ‘genocide’ propaganda in Kashmir. But given IK’s credibility beyond cricket is questionable, the eco-system needed a ‘white expert’, which always works in South Asia- hence Stanton.

Other ‘Western experts’, those who had mushroomed around 2016 on Kashmir issue, also started pushing the same narrative – from CJ Werleman, Pieter Friedrich, Audrey Truschke etc.  

The stakes were raised:

Indian American Muslim Council (#IAMC), Hindus for Human Rights (#HfHR) & ‘Engage Action’ held a ‘congressional briefing’ with Gregory Stanton as ‘expert’, who urged the US Congress to pass a resolution for ‘imminent genocide’ in Kashmir.

To give currency to the propaganda in India, on Jan 19, 2022, two years after the ‘impending genocide’, Stanton was invited for an interview by Karan Thapar for #TheWire. Stanton parroted the ‘impending Genocide’.

Stanton & Co warned ‘imminent genocide’ five years ago. During this time Kashmir witnessed booming tourism & economic growth. Ironically, what we are seeing is resurgence of cross-border terror – and suddenly the experts, activists, & news media have all gone silent.

But this is only a tactical silence.

The kinetic actors (terrorists) are trying to provoke a military response from India so that the narrative of ‘state repression’ & #HumanRightsViolations could be recycled by non-kinetic actors.

This is part of a two-pronged strategy mastered by the MB. First part is Offence, when ‘brand new’ terror groups are launched- PAFF, TRF, ULFK; Kashmir Fight, & Kashmir Tigers– all claiming to fight ‘Fascist’ India in Kashmir

Second part is the Defence:

Exactly when new terror fronts pop up in Kashmir, a whole new ‘activists’ fronts mushroomed in the US – to ‘fight Fascism’ in India and ‘prevent genocide’ in Kashmir: #StandWithKashmir, #AmericansForKashmir, & #FriendsOfKashmir etc.

Worth noting that each of these fronts & individuals were associated with Jamaat-e-Islami/ Pakistan. In fact, as we explained in our story (Kashmir Inc.), these fronts are run as family businesses – where children of ‘activists’ take over the enterprise.

it is to the credit of MB to execute flawless operation: launching ‘fascism’ narrative; launching ‘resistance’ terror groups, & launching HR fronts to control the narrative.

Jamaat could not have managed this feat, hence the takeover.

The fourth and last step was to start equating Palestine with Kashmir – so that MB’s ecosystem could be mobilized on Kashmir issue in one go. Not surpassingly, key players pushing this narrative are also from the same cabal.

These include ‘activist couple’ Azad Essa & Hafsa Kanjwal; ‘authoring’ books/ pamphlets on parallels b/w Kashmir & Palestine; & a bunch of ‘academics’ via articles & papers.

Common thread: ALL associated with same Jamaat-Soros-MB nexus. NOT ONE exception.

Rutgers Law School hosted an event on Kashmir & Palestine, drawing parallels between Israel & India as occupiers. Pak embassy-groomed Hafsa Kanjwal, also co-founder of Pak-sponsored Stand With Kashmir, was main guest. The event made clear calls for #FreeKashmir.

The most glaring example of how the narrative will shift was seen recently in the US.

Pro-Palestine protesters at Rutgers University put a list of demands to end the protest– funnily, University didn’t accept the key demands on Israel – BUT accepted the demand on Kashmir!

It’s a reminder that unlike #Israel, India doesn’t have leverages in Europe/US to counter-propaganda. India also lacks narrative protection like- #Antisemitism or #Islamophobia. Hence, when MB’s full might is cast against India, it will be much uglier.

As we had documented, MB’s formal pivot to Kashmir in Dec 2021 was through #Russel Tribunal on Kashmir – a replica of the Russel Tribunal on #Palestine. The ‘Tribunal’ was held at a 5-star resort in Sarajevo– where discredited oldies of Jamaat handed the baton to MB.

Convicted ISI mole Gulam Nabi Fai, convicted rape felon (lord) Nazir Ahmed, etc – handed over Kashmir cause to MB’s proteges. Most of these MB ‘activists’ have been spitting over Palestine, now started on Kashmir.

The HfHR is one of the fronts for Kashmir project- replicating MB’s other front ‘Jews Voices for Peace’– providing a ‘human rights’ shield to terror groups.

HfHR hasn’t issued a single condemnation of #TerrorAttacks in Kashmir!

This despite the fact that a total of 170+ civilians have been killed in Kashmir due to terror attacks by ‘resistance’ fronts, who claim to fight state machinery and not civilians.

Most other ‘Kashmir activists’ are also silent. They are waiting for ‘opportunity’.

The terror attacks are designed to provoke Indian security to take countermeasures; then the ‘human rights activists’ will come screaming, protecting terrorists’ human rights; & projecting attacks as ‘resistance’.

As usual, the ‘international media’ will play up the narrative – repeating the ‘resistance’ and projecting the terrorists as ‘fighters’ and so forth.

The MB-affiliated media has already started. Others will follow suit.

The end game? A new conflict industry to sustain #VultureActivism

Kashmir will be the next money-making enterprise for the conflict industry. We have documented how ‘Palestine cause’ generates millions of $ per year for MB/ Hamas affiliates from direct donations alone.

Then money is to be had from extortion and blackmails with threats of #Boycott #Divestment #Sanctions (BDS) to Indian industries/entertainment/academia, etc.

Those ‘eyes on..’ campaigns don’t come from nowhere.

We have already seen the trailers since 2018 with campaigns like #BoycottIndianProducts – part of #BDS. MB’s sister publication Al Jazeera was actively involved in pushing the agenda. This will now be replicated at an unprecedented scale.

But this money doesn’t reaches the actual people for whom it is raised. If only a part of fund collected by #Hamas had reached Palestinians, it could have solved their unemployment. Same is case with #Rohingyas etc.

Then what happens to the money?

It is for the ‘activists’ for the cause!

A major part goes to cover activists’ lifestyle in the US/ Europe; part to cover their business class tickets & 5-star hotel for HR conclaves’; & part goes to militants –  for ‘resistance’ – to keep the conflict running.

Given millions of dollars at stake for sustainability of an ever-increasing number of vulture activists; and vested interests of ‘the powers’ sheltering them, the ‘cause’ of Kashmir might get an unprecedented attention.

Watch for ‘resistance’.